Ce projet de carte était dans mes "projets à tester" depuis quelques temps déjà et à la demande de Christine dans les commentaires de la semaine passée, il est subitement passé sur le haut de la pile !
This project has been in my "Projects to Test" list for quite a while and last week, Christine asked me in her comment if I could do a tutorial on this king of card... suddenly the project went on top of my to do list!
Accordion cards are not new and mand many tutorials about it can be found on the web, however they are usually make from special dies that do all the job for you!
1. Il faut avoir les matrices en question
2. Il vous faudra acheter une de ces matrices chaque fois que vous voudrez faire un modèle avec une forme un peu différente
That's quite great, BUT:
1. you need to have one of these dies
2. you will need to buy a new die everytime you'll be willing to make a different shape card
1. you need to have one of these dies
2. you will need to buy a new die everytime you'll be willing to make a different shape card
C'est la raison pour laquelle je me suis penchée sur la question afin de réaliser des cartes accordéons personnalisables à l'infini avec de simples matrices de bases ! Et dans ce cas précis, nos nouvelles pyramides de dies (carrés, cercles, ovals ou coeurs) seront juste parfaites et permettront de réaliser une grande diversité de cartes accordéon !
That's the reason why I started to think about th emecanism of these accordion cards to be able to make them with simple eand basic dies such as our new layering thinlists that are just perfect and offer the possibility to make a variety of different accordion cards!
That's the reason why I started to think about th emecanism of these accordion cards to be able to make them with simple eand basic dies such as our new layering thinlists that are just perfect and offer the possibility to make a variety of different accordion cards!
A ce propos, je voulais vous informer d'une nouvelle page qui a vu le jour sur Coul'Heure Papier il y a quelques jours et qui viendra à être complétée au fur et à mesure. Cette page regroupe un certain nombre de lots de matrices de découpe Stampin' Up! avec TOUTES les dimensions de chacune des matrices ! Avec cet outil, vous pourrez vous assurez que le produit correspond bien à ce que vous voulez avant de l'acheter mais aussi peut-être regarder si les matrices déjà en votre possession peut être une bonne alternative pour reproduire mes projets ;o)
By the way, have you seen the new article I published a few days ago ? This article is about the sizes of Stampin' Up! dies and it we be gradualy completed. With this tool, you will be able to check out that the product is actually what you need before purchasing it but will also be usefull to check if th edies you already have can match the ones I use for my projects ;o)
By the way, have you seen the new article I published a few days ago ? This article is about the sizes of Stampin' Up! dies and it we be gradualy completed. With this tool, you will be able to check out that the product is actually what you need before purchasing it but will also be usefull to check if th edies you already have can match the ones I use for my projects ;o)
Evidemment, le principe de cette carte peut être décliné avec tout un tas de formes de découpe différentes mais aussi pour bien d'autre occasions, même si je dois vous avouer que j'ai un GROS coup de coeur pour ce set de tampon et ces cupcakes ! Non seulement on a carrément envie de croquer dedans mais je trouve en plus qu'ils vont très "pâtisserie de luxe" genre Ladurée ou Angelina :o)
Obviously, this card can be made with plenty of other shapes and for plenty of other occasions but I have to admit that this cupcake stamps set is definitely one of my favourite! Besides the fact that they make you fell just like having a bit I think they really have that "Luxury pastry" look as if they would be from Ladurée or Angelina :o)
Obviously, this card can be made with plenty of other shapes and for plenty of other occasions but I have to admit that this cupcake stamps set is definitely one of my favourite! Besides the fact that they make you fell just like having a bit I think they really have that "Luxury pastry" look as if they would be from Ladurée or Angelina :o)
Voici le vidéo-tutoriel... / Here is the video tutorial...
Vous trouverez ci-dessous le plan de découpe et de marquage...
Please find hereunder the cutting and scoring map...